Tuesday, August 11, 2009


The not-so-good moment in our life brings us closer to ourselves. This is the very moment where we examine ourselves and find out how we can possibly bring out the best of ourselves despite the downside experience.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Stand Out

What makes you stand out above the rest? Is it your beauty? Is it your intelligence? Is it your wit? Is it your charm? Is it your personality? What ever the reasons are, be the best that you can be.

And if you happened not to figure it out yet, it is not that late. Don't be one of the commoners. You can be a cut above the rest. A good one, perhaps.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Taste Good

We can't help but to exclaim a taste that's wonderful. Many thanks to someone who prepared a great tasting food. It is such a heavenly feeling.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


When you smile, smile from the heart. You can never fake it if it comes from the heart. And people around you will always appreciate a sincere one.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Flowers bloom in their own precious time. And when they bloom, they exude beauty that will surely captivate our hearts.

So, when it is your turn to bloom, show the world of the very best in you. At times, it could be one of your rarest opportunity to stand out above the rest.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I keep on exploring the world. There are so many things to see, so many places to go. As long as I have the opportunity, I will always find a way to venture and admire the only planet I have.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mother's Love

There is no other love compared to a great woman in my life. In her heart, I am the most precious person on earth. She will move heaven and earth for me. And I can never thank her enough.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


And I turn unto You especially on struggling moments. I simply can't comprehend but during those troubled times, it is You alone who can give me comfort and pacify my restless soul. Thank you for embracing me always.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Learn to count your blessings instead of your miseries. There are hundreds or even millions of reasons to celebrate life as long as we know how to be thankful and appreciative of what we have received. The moment we learn how to value and treasure these blessings, our happiness and contentment begin.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Small Beginnings

Great things come from small beginnings. The way we were prepared when we were young counts a lot of what we have become now. And in our great moments, we simply can't help but to look back to our humble beginnings and be grateful to our parents and guardians who honed us to be a better individual.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Thank you for bringing balance into my life. The tides of life me toss me up and down, but as long as you are here with me, I will have less worries at all.

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